The Arjan Vir Foundation is an international voluntary stem cell donor registry, that addresses all blood disorders- with the aim of finding quick and easily accessible HLA-matched donors for all those in need of a life-saving stem cell transplant.
“Our mission is to give hope and facilitate expedite stem cell transplants.”
How The Arjan Vir Foundation will work:

Conduct camps
Registration and Awareness camps at
universities and colleges for awareness of blood cancers, blood disorders, importance of stem cell donation and the procedure involved.

Provide Information​
Registration camps and Donor drives that provide complete knowledge about stem cell donation as well as counselling patients and their families.

Provide people with the safe and secure platform and information so that they can volunteer to be stem cell donors.

Build a Database​
Increasing the number of donors in the worldwide donor database, hence, providing an opportunity for patients to go through transplants easily and at the earliest possible.