The Foundation has established an international voluntary marrow donor registry that will address all blood disorders. There will be assistance at all stages, treatment, recovery, and after care, rehabilitation and resettlement of patients. The focus will be on children, where prolonged treatment interrupts the academic schedule.

How The Arjan Vir Foundation will work:

Conduct camps:

awareness for prevention and treatment of rare blood disorders.


Provide people with the platform to volunteer to be the stem cell donors.

Provide Support:

Registration camps/ donor drives that provide complete knowledge about diseases and guidance on treatments.

Build a database:

increasing number of donors will provide an opportunity for patients to go through treatments easily and at the earliest possible.

Emotional Support:

provide direction and emotional support to families and donors.
We are working towards saving more lives from life threatening blood disorders by creating a one stop clinic which includes counselling, marrow donor registry, preventative measures, follow ups, expert advice on disease and alternative therapies available worldwide.
